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Special Report~Skiver!
About 'Skiving'
Skiving school, also known as 'bunking off' and 'playing truant', seems to be becoming more popular amongst students nowadays. If you don't know what I'm on about, skiving is when a person doesn't turn up at school when they should and ,instead, goes to town, pretends to be ill at home or meets up with their friends.
Some people are just too lazy to trun up whereas others have a phobia of school. A phobia is a persistent fear of a particular object or situation.

One Girl's Experience...
Sara Thompson, 14 years old
" I was 13 when I started skiving school. At first, it was just every now and again but then it got worse. When I got to the school gates everyday, I'd just panic. I felt trapped. So, I just waited at the corner 'till everyone had filed in and ran to this old abandoned building. Sometimes, my mate Sunatra would come with me and we would go to her or my house depending on whose parents were in. When I didn't even feel like walking to school, I pretended that I was ill or had slept in-sometimes I even switched off my mum's alarm clock so that she wouldn't be able to wake me up.
Things came to a peak when we recieved a letter in the post. We were threatened with court action and fined £1,000 as i'd missed so many school days. I just felt the lowest of the low..."

Sara was put back a year and is now trying to catch up with all of the work she missed. "The worst part is being ignored by all of my old friends just 'cos I'm in the year below"

The Legal Stuff
Skiving school may seem like harmless fun to you but the LAW says that it's cumpulsory for you to get a full-time education until you're atleast 16. If not, your parents could be fined and taken to court(as in Sara's case).

Conclusin: As you can tell from Sara's story, skiving is simply not worth it. Sure, you may get a few adrenaline rushes doing something daring but ,to be honest, it'd just plain sad and not fair on your parents. Education is one of the most important things, so don't throw away the opportunity to learn.

If you want to share your 'skiving' experiences for a follow up report...Click here.Remember. You don't have to give your name.